In accordance with Maslow's way of thinking, if Erin secured a good-paying job that paid her enough to live in a decent apartment and buy an economical car, and if she felt that her work location and her home location were relatively safe places, she would ________.

Answer :

Answer: The correct answer is: Focus on her next level of needs.

Explanation: According to Maslow's theory of the hierarchy of needs, human beings have their needs organized in a pyramid.

The needs that are at the bottom of the pyramid must be satisfied for the individual to start satisfying the needs that are higher up. The need for security is lower in the hierarchy than the social needs.

In this particular case, Erin already satisfied her needs of security because she already secured a good-paying job, a decent apartment, and an economical car, she also feels safe in her home, therefore, she now can move on to attend the needs that follow up in the hierarchy, which are social needs.


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