
State whether it isMutualismCommensalismPredationCompetitionGalapagos finches both live on the same island and eat seeds from the same plants. Paramecium aurelia and P. caudata are two species of protists. They both utilize the same resources. A hairworm eats the brain of a grasshopper, killing it. Bison eat grass in order to gain energy. Mycorrhizal fungus lives within plant roots. The fungus uses energy produced the plant. The plant uses nitrogen harvested by the fungus. Barnacles grow on whales. The barnacles benefit from riding around on the whales as they can be dispersed to new areas. The whales are not affected by the barnacles.

Answer :

Answer and Explanation:

  1. Galapagos finches both live on the same island and eat seeds from the same plants- Competition
  2. Paramecium aurelia and P. caudata are two species of protists. They both utilize the same resources.-Competition
  3. A hairworm eats the brain of a grasshopper, killing it.- Predation
  4. Bison eat grass in order to gain energy.- Predation
  5. Mycorrhizal fungus lives within plant roots. The fungus uses energy produced the plant. The plant uses nitrogen harvested by the fungus. -Mutualism
  6. Barnacles grow on whales. The barnacles benefit from riding around on the whales as they can be dispersed to new areas. The whales are not affected by the barnacles.-Commensalism

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