Agouti is a type of coat-color pattern in mice that cannot be expressed in albinos (white mice). Nonalbino mice without the dominant agouti allele (AAbb and Aabb) are black. An agouti mouse that is heterozygous at the albino (A) and agouti (B) loci (AaBb) is mated to an albino mouse that is heterozygous at the agouti locus (aaBb). What percent of the progeny are likely to be albino?
a. 0
b. 12.5
c. 37.5
d. 50
e. 100

Answer :





              aB            ab

AB          AaBB       AaBb

ab           aaBb        aabb

A punnet square can be described as a diagram which is made to test the probability of the phenotypes and genotypes of offsprings from a cross between the parents.

The punnet square is made above to illustrate the results of a cross berween an agouti mouse (AaBb) and albino mouse (aaBb). The results show that there will be a 50% probability that the offsprings produced will be albinos.

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