
Stacey’s use of emotional appeal is most evident when she mentions her pregnancy. With her husband in jail only two weeks before she is due, she explains that her pain "may change to travail" (Stacey). She continues to vent about her fear of delivering the baby without her husband, going as far as to say that without him "how can I survive?" (Stacey) She is clearlyattempting to give her father in law a reason, aside from from his son being in jail, to help them.

Answer :

Answer: Assurance


Stacey is in a very vunerable state and she needs to be assured that everything is going to turn out fine. Her fears about her husband and her pregnancy needs to be dispelled. Her father in law could find means of putting her mind at peace.


From the given problem statement and her emotional appeal and her husband was in jail but she was ambitious to get out of it.

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