The program prompts the user to interactively enter eight batting averages, which the program stores in an array. The program should then find the minimum and maximum batting average stored in the array as well as the average of the eight batting averages. The data file provided for this lab includes the input statement and some variable declarations. Comments are included in the file to help you write the remainder of the program.
Ensure the source code file named BattingAverage.cpp is open in the code editor.
Write the C++ statements as indicated by the comments.
Execute the program by clicking the Run button. Enter the following batting averages: .299, .157, .242, .203, .198, .333, .270, .190. The minimum batting average should be .157, and the maximum batting average should be .333. The average should be .2365

Answer :



The explanation and solution of this question is given below in explanation section. This program is written in c++ using dev C++. This below program run accurately according to requirement of the given question. While explanation of code is commented in the program.


// Example program

#include <iostream>

#include <string>

using namespace std;

int main()



   double number[8];// user enter eight batting average

   double average=0.0;// average of all 8 batting


   for (int i=0; i<8; i++)// prompt user to enter batting average interactively


       cout<<"Please enter batting average of "<<i<<"\n";

       cin>>number[i];       // store batting average into array




   double  max = number[0];// maximum average variable declaration

   for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)//loop to find max average


       if (max < number[i])

           max = number[i];


double min = number[0];//minimum average variable declaration

   for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)//loop to find minimum average


       if (min > number[i])

           min = number[i];


   cout << "The maximum batting average is : " << max<<"\n";//display maximum average

   cout << "The minimum batting average is : " << min<<"\n";//display minimum average



       for (int i=0; i<8; i++)//loop to calculate the average



       average=average+number[i];// sum of all averages



   average=average/8;//average of eight batting averages

   cout<<"The average is "<<average<<"\n";//display the average


 return o;  


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