
Unit 3 Introduction
Names and Terms to know
A. DIRECTIONS: Write a brief sentence explaining each of the following names and terms. You
will find all of the information you need in the Unit Introduction in your textbook.
1. Cavaliers and Roundheads:
2. Glorious Revolution: -
3. Agricultural Revolution:
4. Elector of Hanover:
5. Yorktown:
6. Bastille:
B. DIRECTIONS: Use the hints below to help you answer each question.
1. How did the monarchy's power change from Charles I to George 1? (Hints: What happened
to the Stuart kings and why? How did George I come to power? What was his attitude
toward ruling England?
2. What were the economic and social effects of the Industrial and Agricultural Revolutions?
Hints: What was the Industrial Revolution? What was the Agricultural Revolution?
3. How did the American and French Revolutions help turn the old order "upside down"?
Hints: What happened in each of these revolutions? What power shift did they signal?]
Unit 3 Resources: A Turbulent Time
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Answer :




1. Cavaliers were the supporters of monarchy during the Civil War in England, while Roundheads  were the opponents of monarchy and supporters of Oliver Cromwell.


  • The civil war which broke out in 1642 saw a broadly Royalist north and west ranged against a broadly Parliamentarian south and east.
  • Charles was defeated by parliament's New Model Army at Naseby and it became clear that the Royalist cause was lost.
  •  Charles was accordingly tried, found guilty, and beheaded in January 1649.
  • In the wake of the king's execution, a republican regime was established in England .

2. Glorious Revolution is the famous event in English history when on July 10, 1688, an invitation was sent to Prince William III Orange to come to England and take royal authority in that country. It was an introduction to the so-called Glorious Revolution, in which the plan from the aforementioned call was actually implemented.


  • William, who had long been anticipating such a call, accordingly set sail with an army for England.
  • James II fled to France a few weeks later and William and his wife Mary were crowned as joint monarchs the following year.

3. Agricultural revolution refers to changes that affected England in the period between 17th and 19th Century and the agricultural development of the country.


  • Of all European nations, England was the first to develop a social structure suitable for entrepreneurship and economic growth.
  • England had many  comparative advantages over continental Europe.
  • Plains  in the south and east, the traditional population centers, were very  fruitful and productive.

4. Elector of Hanover was the ruler of England after the reign of William III Orange and Mary who had no children.


  • Because neither William nor James II's surviving daughter, Anne, had any children, Protestants were terrified that the throne would eventually revert to James II .
  • To avert this danger, the Act of Settlement was passed in 1701, directing that after the deaths of William and Anne the throne would return to the descendants of James I's daughter, Elizabeth.
  • When Queen Anne, the last of the Stuart monarchs, died in 1714 the throne went to George I, the first elector of Hanover.

5.  Yorktown is the most decisive battle in the American War For Independence.

  • If US forces had not won the revolutionary battle of Yorktown, the United States probably would not have existed today.
  • It was a decisive victory for the United States of America led by George Washington and the French over the British army commanded by Lord Cornwallis.
  • After months of the siege of Yorktown, General Lord Cornwallis surrendered his 8,000 men and in a few weeks America fully declared its independence from the British Empire.

6. Bastille is a famous medieval fortress and jail whose fall mark the beginning of French revolution.

  • Spontaneously, men and women began to gather and search for weapons, and for that purpose, on July 14, 1789, the Bastille Fort was attacked, which in addition represented the symbol of the ancient regime.
  • This attack is considered as the beginning of the French Revolution.


1. The power of kings was limited


  • Rulers from Stuart dynasty including Charles believed that they should have the full authority.
  • English subjects became alienated by his religious policies and by his apparent determination to rule without Parliament.
  • That led to frequent rebellions and wars during the reign of Stuarts.
  • When George I came on the throne he needed to accept certain restrictions. One of them was to accept the Bill of Rights from 1688.

2. The Industrial Revolution brought great wealth to most of the entrepreneurs who started it. For most of the workers who found their jobs and their happiness in new factory facilities, the present and the future did not seem too cheerful because the industrial age brought them poverty and difficult living conditions.


  • Over time, many reforms will bring about changes and alleviate the difficult living conditions of workers, the standard of living will grow, and people from all walks of life will increasingly benefit from industrialization.
  • With the rise of industrialization, labor unions will emerge, fighting for better working conditions, higher wages and shorter working hours. In the near future, the working class will also gain the right to vote, thereby becoming a large and powerful political force.
  • Until these reforms happen, workers will have to spend a large part of their lives working in dangerous and unhealthy working conditions.

3. Old monarchies were overthrown and republics were established.


  • Both revolutions were successful and affected each other.
  • Colonist in America overthrow British rule and established United States.
  • In France revolutionaries overthrew monarchy and established First Republic.
  • In both countries Declarations and Constitutions were brought to acknowledge new system.

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