Answer :
Components of creation that can be differed with yield delivered are alluded to as factor elements of creation.
Elements of creation that can't be differed with yield delivered are alluded to as fixed elements of creation.
In given case, stove and laborers are utilized in pizza creation.
It has been given that in short-run, number of stoves can't be changed however number of laborers can be changed.
Along these lines,
In short-run, these laborers are variable information sources, and the stoves are fixed data sources.
Number of Workers: 0
Output (Pizzas): 0
Marginal Product of Labor (Pizzas): 0
Number of Workers: 1
Output (Pizzas): 70
Marginal Product of Labor (Pizzas): 70
Number of Workers: 2
Output (Pizzas): 120
Marginal Product of Labor (Pizzas): 50
Number of Workers: 3
Output (Pizzas): 160
Marginal Product of Labor (Pizzas): 40
Number of Workers: 4
Output (Pizzas): 190
Marginal Product of Labor (Pizzas): 30
Number of Workers: 5
Output (Pizzas): 200
Marginal Product of Labor (Pizzas): 10