Most African countries achieved their independence from colonial powers in the 1960s and 1970s. Identify how colonial influence and ideas about sexuality are intertwined in postcolonial Africa?

Answer :


This investigation tends to the issue of sexuality and belief system comparable to dish Africanist precepts that have been instrumental in the exertion of post colonial African elites to establish a restrictive African sexual selfhood. The emphasis is on their endeavors to 'Africanize' the sexuality of the majority in a worldwide setting that performs the uncontrolled progression of sexual wants, and favors the development of new types of sexual articulations and practices that destabilize the post-frontier sexual request. The main inquiry illuminating this examination is the way an authoritative hetero character has come to be disguised in post-pilgrim Africa, and how the two people have come to accept that to be 'productive members of society' or 'genuine' Africans they need to become curbed subjects who not just breaking point their sexuality exclusively to hetero wants, yet in addition have a characteristic repugnance for different types of sexuality, for example, same-sex relations.


My principle contention is that in most African nations, and explicitly in Cameroon, both the enlightenment of a phallocratico-man centric culture and the political development of the sublimated Muntu, the supposed libidinal African straight, obliged the concealment, obliteration or refutation of gays and lesbians, for the most part distorted as deracinated Africans and perilous 'witch-others'.


In Africa, cases of harassment, persecution, discrimination, violence and murder committed against people because of their sexual orientation or gender identity are increasingly numerous. The state continues to criminalize consensual sexual relations between people of the same sex. They consider it as a phenomenon belonging to other cultures

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