
The state of Arizona mandates emissions testing for cars before drivers can obtain updated registrations. The state hires a contractor to conduct the emissions tests in the various emissions-testing facilities around the state. In October 1999, the Arizona attorney general announced the arrest of 13 workers at one of the emissions-testing facilities for allegedly taking payoffs of between $50 to $200 from car owners to pass their cars on the emissions tests when those cars fell below emissions standards and would not have been registered. Nearly half of the staff at the emissions facility were arrested. Why is it a crime for someone working in a government-sponsored facility to accept a payment for a desired outcome? Do the payoffs to the workers really harm anyone?

Answer :

It is a crime for someone working in a government-sponsored facility to accept a payment for a desired outcome. This is because the person is meant to be acting according to the law. A person who works in the government needs to follow the ethical concerns of the government, which include the fact that no one is above the law. The fact that this person accepts a payment affects all of society in two ways. First, it affects society because it undermines the importance of the law, which is the foundation of our country. Second, it affects society because it allows polluting cars to circulate, damaging our environment.

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