Answer :
Answer& Explanation: social contract - Socrates says he would rather die if that is the will of God. He doesn't want to do something only because everyone believes he should , he doesn't want to be persuaded by the opinion of the majority . He want to hold firm on what he has believed and preached. He says individuals opinions are no good and nor bad they can't make you wiser or foolish.
He wants to stand strong and not even be swayed by emotional appeal made by his friend Crito because to him it is crucial to pursue a course that is driven by reason.
He doesn't want to abandon his principle which he has held unto for too long no matter what.
He doesn't believe that a person should save his or her life at any cost . His belief is one should not value just life but a good life and his definition of good life is the one lived fairly and honourably.
Social contract is a sacrifice of one's life or freedom for the benefits of the people.