Answer :
Businesses must spend time and money to educate their employees on security matters .
Because of the following reasons:
Now a Days people facing spamming, hacking, jamming, malicious software, sniffing, spoofing, and identity theft;
Each one of these problems may be from computer abuse or computer crime.
There are so many solutions that on can use e to keep their information system safe from these crimes and abuse.
When you are facing with spamming there are certain parameters that you can take to guard your email account from spam.
Spam is another word for unsolicited commercial email.
Anyone that has an email account has at come point had an encounter with spam. Most of the employees do not know how their email address got out to the people sending the spam;
this is done through software called a Spambot.
Spambot is , a program that someone has written.” Mueller describes the process of a Spambot like this “A Spambot starts out on a web site. It scans the page for two : hyperlinks and email ids. It stores the email ids to use as targets for spam, and follows each hyperlink to a new page, starting the process all over.”
There are various ways to hide your email address form these Spambots, but the easiest and best way to avoid spam is to not give out your email id. The trick is to leave your email id visible to human visitor, but hidden from the spambots.
Information Systems security is one of the biggest challenges in the society. Information Systems have become an part of daily life in the businesses. Information Systems have changed tconduct business. Information Systems have become such an important part of everyday life because there are many uses of Information Systems that make it much easier and faster to perform all tasks, or even to perform certain tasks simultaneously.
Information Systems have become so developed and detailed in their short period of time. Society has developed along with the Information Systems, becoming a more technologically. brought about an increasing profitability, competitiveness, and efficiency for any business of any model that uses an Information Systems.
Since the current technological generation has become so dependent upon Information Systems, the problems threatening Information Systems also threaten the order of daily activities that many take for granted. The role that Information Systems plays in daily activities has been developed near to perfection, but there are so many problems such as spamming, hacking, jamming, malicious software, sniffing, spoofing, and identity theft. These current problems are threatening the security of Information Systems.