
Why do you think body composition focuses on the ratio of fatty tissue to other body tissue? Why is body composition not related to weight? Which do you feel is a more accurate representation of a person's health? Explain your reasoning.

Answer :

"Body composition assessment is a physical test that measures the proportion of the various components of a person's body. The human body is comprised of water, protein, fat, and minerals, but for most purposes, it is the level of fat compared to lean mass that is of interest. In general, most body composition analysis tests measure the ratio of fat to lean tissue. Body fat, or adipose tissue,
has chemical and physical properties that allow for a number of analytical methods, each with its own advantages and limitations."
information from chacha .com

Why do you think body composition focuses on the ratio of fatty tissue to other body tissue?


In physical fitness, body composition is used to designate the percentages of fat, bone, water, and muscle in human bodies. Because muscular tissue takes up less space in our body than fat tissue, our body production, as well as our weight, delimits leanness.

Why is body composition not related to weight?


Body mass index under-measures obesity and body fat are more powerful than body mass index. Because the health consequences of obesity and overweight are due to enhanced fat, not weight itself.

Which do you feel is a more accurate representation of a person's health?


More researchers argue that it's not that most accurate way to measure body weight. For years, scientists have said that BMI can't differentiate between fat and muscle, which tends to be difficult and can tip more toned selves into overweight status, even if their fat levels are low.

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