A common refrain during national elections is politicians vilifying pork-barrel spending. Despite the apparent consensus on the undesirability of pork barrel spending in general, the practice continues to be widespread. Why is pork-barrel spending so pervasive despite its apparent lack of popularity?

Answer :


It is because of it estimated benefit


The estimated benefit is about 2500, since 5×500=2500, so it has a good estimated benefit.



a)The BENEFITS from pork barrel spending are extensively kept to a legislator's constituents.

b)Pork barrel helps the legislative to achieve their log-rolling effort which also make it to be gaining popularity


Pork-barrel has been in existence in many countries of the world especially in the United States' legislative, to a lesser amount. since the 1800s.

Pork-barrel simply refers to the actions of politicians exchanging favors granted to constituency or special interest groups in returns for political support, for instance getting of votes and campaign contributions.

Moreover pork barrel politics exclusively serve as benefits for just a particular segment of people, and it is funded by the larger community.

Barrel spending and later has been increasing back,more than a hundred years especially in U.S. politics.

For instance, Abraham Lincoln, traded Civil War contracts to northern businessmen in returns for patronage jobs and campaign support.

By estimates between the year 1991 and 2014, the total number of pork barrel projects and the volumes of fortune spent through pork barrel spending increased in 2006 up to 2010.

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