Write a program, NumberStatistics.java, that reads an unspecified number of integers. The program ends with the input 0. The program determines the average of all positive values, the average of all negative values, the average of all the values, the maximum value, and the minimum value.

Answer :


Following are the program, which can be below:

import java.util.*; //defining header file

public class NumberStatistics  //defining class NumberStatistics


public static void main(String[] arc) //defining main method


int total_number=0,max_val=0,min_val=0,neg_val=0,pos_val=0,neg_count=0,pos_count=0,x; //defining variables

Scanner ox= new Scanner(System.in); //creating Scanner class Object

System.out.println("Enter positive and negative value with sign and when complete inter 0:"); //print message  

x= ox.nextInt(); //input value from user

while(x!=0) //defining loop to check input value is 0


total_number++; // increment value

if(total_number == 1)  //defining conditional statement to check minimum and maximum value


max_val = x; //assign value in max  

min_val = x;//assign value in min


else  //defining else block


if(max_val < x) //check maximum value


max_val = x; //assign maximum value


if(min_val > x) //check minimum value


min_val = x; //assign minimum value



if(x > 0) //input values  


pos_count++; //count positive value

pos_val+=x; // add positive values




neg_count++;//count negative value

neg_val+=x; // add negative values


x = ox.nextInt(); //input values


// defining conditionl statement

if(total_number != 0)  // defining if block to print all value


System.out.println("positive value average= "+(pos_val/(double)pos_count));

System.out.println("negative values Average= "+(neg_val/(double)neg_count));

System.out.println("all values average= "+(pos_val+neg_val)/(double)total_number);

System.out.println("maximum value = "+max_val+"\n"+" minimum value = "+min_val);




System.out.println("no positive values found");

System.out.println("no negative values found");





Enter positive and negative value with sign and when complete inter 0:









positive value average= 11.0

negative values Average= -13.5

all values average= 4.0

maximum value = 22

minimum value = -22


The Description of the above java program can be described as follows:

  • In the above code first we import the package for user input, then defines the variable "total_number,max_val,min_val,neg_val,pos_val,neg_count, pos_count,x" to store the value prints its value.
  • In the next step, a scanner class object is created for user input and defines a while loop, that checks input value isn't equal to 0, inside the loop a conditional statement defines that cont and calculates all positive, negative, and all values addition.
  • At the another conditional statement is defines, that prints all value average, and also prints maximum, minimum value.

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