Shanta has frontal lobe damage. She is doing a problem solving task in which she has to choose the red object out of many choices. She can easily complete this repeatedly, but when the experimenter asks her to choose the blue object on a new trial of the task, she continues to choose the red one, even when the experimenter gives her feedback that she is incorrect. Shanta is displaying __________.A) sensory memory.
B) decay.
C) perseveration.
D) agnosia.

Answer :




Perseveration is the belief on which a person cling for a long time. The person new information about that that dis-confirm them but even then the person clinging on old information.

Every person wants to change that belief but their stubbornness remains unchanged.

For instance, there are many topics for debate such as the death penalty, Evolution, and abortion.

Thus here Shanta has displaying perseveration.

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