Answer :



They made it illegal to kill/ hunt eagles.


Hunting/ killing was slowly wiping out the eagles' population. This stopped though when conservation came around they made it illegal to hunt eagles, thus saving their kind.


Sorry I'm late, but here's what I wrote for my Online Content Assignment:

After World War II, a new pesticide that was said to be used for mosquito and other insect control. It's name was DDT. The residues from DDT began to wash away into waterways and were starting to be absorbed by plants and fish in aquatic ecosystems. Bald eagles eat fish often, it's the most common food that they prey on. When the bald eagles ate the contaminated fish, they got poisoned. The chemicals in the pesticide that went into the fish and, later on, the eagle, "interfered with the ability of the birds to produce strong eggshells". This caused many of the eggs that were laid to have very thin shells, resulting in the eggs failing to hatch or break in incubation. Along with bald eagles, DDT affected other birds that fed on fish as well. Bald eagles had become an endangered species after undergoing this poisoning, and lead poisoning in other incidents as well. The damage of DDT was brought to the public audience, and was spoken about through people that the public trusted. DDT was banned, which started to help the bald eagle population. Naming the species as "endangered" also helped catch the attention of people. People started to assist by helping the bald eagles recover from the population drop. All of these acts eventually led to the bald eagles getting taken off of the threatened and endangered list in 2007.

Sorry it's kind of long, I have a habit of writing a lot. You can of course shorten it to your liking and get rid of any details you think are unnecessary.

As always, I hope I helped you in any way possible!! I posted the same answer on 2+ of the same question, so keep in mind that it is the same person (me) who is posting them, so please don't report this for plagiarism!!



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