Answer :
Major Robert Anderson led the Confederate forces in the Battle of Fort Sumter.TRUE.
Robert Anderson was born on June 14, 1805.He was fought in the American Civil war as a Army Officer, where he acted as the union commander of the first battle, at Fort Sumter of April 1861. The bombardment by the Confederates made the fort to surrender
1)It is True Major Robert Anderson headed the Confederate forces during the Battle or fight of Fort Sumter.
2)It is False that the main reason of the fight or battle of Fort Sumter was to safe guard Charleston Harbor in North Carolina.
3)It is True The Union forces began to run out of supplies at Fort Sumter
4) Yes, it is True the Confederate troops gave no warning to the Union troops before firing upon them at Fort Sumter.
5)It is True the Battle of Fort Sumter was the first battle of the American Civil War.
6) it is True Major Anderson realized they had no chance to win the Battle of Fort Sumter and subsequently surrendered the fort to the Confederate troops.
7) it is True General P.T. Beauregard was the one who led the Union forces in the
Battle of Fort Sumter.
8) it's True Many states were forced to join a side after the
Battle of Fort Sumter.
9) it is a False statement that Several hundred men died in the Battle of Fort
Sumter because there wasn't any minor death during the battle
10) it's False statement that President Abraham Lincoln felt that the Civil War would be short and fairly small.