The Rappahannock River near Warrenton, VA, has a flow rate of 3.00 m3/s. Tin Pot Run (a pristine stream) discharges into the Rappahannock at a flow rate of 0.05 m3/s. To study mixing of the stream and river, a conserva- tive tracer is to be added to Tin Pot Run. If the instruments that can mea- sure the tracer can detect a concentration of 1.0 mg/L, what minimum concentration must be achieved in Tin Pot Run so that 1.0 mg/L of tracer can be measured after the river and stream mix? Assume that the 1.0 mg/L of tracer is to be measured after complete mixing of the stream and Rappa- hannock has been achieved and that no tracer is in Tin Pot Run or the Rap- pahannock above the point where the two streams mix. What mass rate (kg/d) of tracer must be added to Tin Pot Run?

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