Two ants, Andy and Ashley, went to visit their friend. Andy crawled the whole way, but Ashley spent half of the way riding on a caterpillar, which was two times slower than crawling. Ashley spent the second half of the journey riding on a grasshopper, which was 5 times faster than crawling. Which ant got to their friend's house first, if they left at the same time?

Answer :




Step-by-step explanation:

Let's say that x is Andy's speed, and d is the distance he traveled.

The time it takes Andy to reach his friend is d/x.

The time it takes Ashley to travel the first half is (d/2)/(x/2) = d/x.

The time it takes Ashley to travel the second half is (d/2)/(5x) = d/(10x).

The total time is d/x + d/(10x) = 1.1 d/x.

It takes Ashley 1.1 times longer to reach the friend.  Andy gets there first.

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