Answer :
Complete Pyhton code with explanatory comments and output results is given below
Python Code:
def min():
# get input from the user, two integers
num1=int(input("Please enter 1st integer: "))
num2=int(input("Please enter 2nd integer: "))
# using if elif conditional statements compare the two integers
if num1<num2:
return print("Smallest integer is: ",num1)
# if num1 is less than num2 than print the num 1
elif num2<num1:
return print("Smallest integer is: ",num2)
# if num2 is less than num1 than print the num 2
# if both of the above conditions are not true then it means they are equal
return print("They are equal: ",num1)
# call the min() function
Test 1:
Please enter 1st integer: 6
Please enter 2nd integer: 1
Smallest integer is: 1
Test 2:
Please enter 1st integer: 5
Please enter 2nd integer: 5
They are equal: